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Metal Backup for 12-Word Seed
Phrase, Password, and Private Key

seed12 metal backup


Metal Backup for 12-Word Seed
Phrase, Password, and Private Key

Select Your Solution:

Opt for a basic backup or a full seed protection kit.

Seed12 Backup Core

The basic unit for durable backup

30 $

The set includes one Seed12 core, four cotter-pins, over 12 separators and 310+ double-sided letter tiles (Aa-Zz latin alphabet).

Seed12 Backup Core

Seed12 Security Kit

Full tamper-proof backup set

59 $

The set includes Backup Core unit, the Capsule Container and the Security Seal module (three seals with the wire)

Seed12 Security Kit

Tailor your backup:

Add the perfect extras to your kit

Shell Capsule

Protective hermetic steel shell

30 $

A hermetic protective casing made of space-grade stainless steel to protect your backup core. The capsule features holes for installing a tamper-proof seal. Its surface has a finely grooved texture, which prevents fingerprint marks.

Shell Capsule

Letter Tiles

Set of letters Upper and lower case (Aa-Zz) Latin alphabet

25 $

The set includes over 300 double-sided letter tiles, from A to Z, with an uppercase letter on the obverse and a lowercase on the reverse. Deeply engraved for better readability and durability. The arrangement of letters tiles is partially random.

Letter Tiles

Number Tiles

Set of number tiles from 0 to 9

25 $

The set includes over 100 double-sided number tiles, from 0 to 9, Deeply engraved for better readability and durability. The arrangement of number tiles is partially random.

Number Tiles

Symbol Tiles

Symbol tiles from ASCII printable character set

25 $

The set includes over 80 double-sided number tiles, ! ” # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , – . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ Deeply engraved for better readability and durability. The arrangement of number tiles is partially random.

Symbol Tiles

Unit Upgrade Core Parts

Core parts for metal backup creation. Tiles not included.

19 $

The set includes one Seed12 core, four cotter-pins, and over 12 separators. Tiles are not included.

Unit Upgrade Core Parts

Security Seal

Set of three tamper-evident security seals for your backup

10 $

PSW-97® Security Seal by American Casting & Manufacturing Corp.:
Lock it easily without tools and benefit from its nearly 45 kg (100 lbs) breaking strength.
Experience clear tamper evidence and exceptional durability, trusted by thousands of private, military, and government entities.

Security Seal
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Modules of the Seed12 System
Seed12 is a robust system designed for securely backing up sensitive data like recovery seed phrases, passphrases, private keys, and other types of alphanumeric passwords. Deeply engraved character tiles are stacked on the metal core, secured with patented cotter pins at both ends. The metal backup can be enclosed in a protective Capsule shell and protected with a tamper evident seal. The capsule is hollowed out in a solid piece of aero-grade stainless steel offering extreme protection against any type of destructive forces. The PSW-97® Security Seal by American Casting & Manufacturing Corp. with nearly 45kg (100 lbs) of breaking strenght is marked with a unique serial number, allowing to easily manage your backups.

Seed12 Backup Core
Basic unit to create “naked seed” metal backup. All parts are made of space-grade stainless steel.
Packaging dimensions: 65 x 39 x 15 mm / 2,5 x 1,5 x 0,6 in
Packaging weight: 90 g
Included in the box: 1 x Seed12 core, 4 x cotter-pins, 12+ x separators and 310+ double-sided letter tiles (Aa-Zz latin alphabet), printed user manual

Seed12 Security Kit
The Security Kit is our solution for providing the highest level of protection for your 12-word seed phrase restore backup. 
Packaging dimensions: 95 x 66 x 18 mm / 3,7 x 2,6 x 0,7 in
Packaging weight: 171 g
Included in the box: 1 x System Backup Core unit, 1 x Capsule Container, 1 x Security Seal module (three seals with the precut wire)

Shell Capsule
Packaging dimensions: 65 x 39 x 18 mm / 2,5 x 1,5 x 0,7 in
Packaging weight: 64 g
Included in the box: 1 x stainless steel cylindric capsule with a cap, printed user manual

Letter Tiles
Packaging dimensions: 65 x 39 x 15 mm / 2,5 x 1,5 x 0,6 in
Packaging weight: 84 g
Included in the box: 310+ double-sided, stainless steel letter tiles (Aa-Zz latin alphabet), printed user manual

Number Tiles
Packaging dimensions: 65 x 39 x 15 mm / 2,5 x 1,5 x 0,6 in
Packaging weight: 40 g
Included in the box: over 130 double-sided, stainless steel arabic digits tiles (0-9), printed user manual

Symbol Tiles
Packaging dimensions: 65 x 39 x 15 mm / 2,5 x 1,5 x 0,6 in
Packaging weight: 30 g
Included in the box: over 80 double-sided, stainless steel symbol tiles, printed user manual

Unit Upgrade Core Parts
Packaging dimensions: 65 x 39 x 15 mm / 2,5 x 1,5 x 0,6 in
Packaging weight: 11 g
Included in the box: 1 x Seed12 core, 4 x cotter-pins, 12+ x separators, printed user manual

Security Seal
Packaging dimensions: 65 x 39 x 15 mm / 2,5 x 1,5 x 0,6 in
Packaging weight: 16 g
Included in the box: 3 x PSW-97 Security seals with, 3 x precut composite wire, printed user manual

In the box

Letter Tiles (x1)

Unit Upgrade Core Parts (x1)


The Seed12 is compatible with a wide range of non-custodial wallets, including hardware, software, and Lightning wallets that support BIP39, BIP32, BIP44, and SLIP39 standards. It can securely store a 12-word seed phrase, which is a common option for most hardware wallets and the default for many non-custodial software and Lightning wallets, or passwords up to 64 characters in length.

Supported wallet brands include hardware wallets (Blockstream, Bitbox, Ledger, Trezor, KeepKey, Coldcard, Passport by Foundation), software wallets (Green, Electrum, Exodus, Electrum, Samourai, Trust Wallet), and Lightning wallets (BlueWallet, Wallet of Satoshi, Phoenix, Zap, Breez).

All of these wallets are non-custodial, meaning you retain full control of your private keys and seed phrases, making them compatible with Seed12 for securely storing and recovering your sensitive information.

In the Backup Core module, you will receive:
1 x Seed12 Core – The foundation for arranging and storing your seed phrase or sensitive data.
4 x Cotter Pins – To securely fasten and maintain the sequence of characters on the core.
12+ Separators – For organizing your data efficiently.
310+ Double-Sided Letter Tiles – With both uppercase and lowercase Latin alphabet letters (Aa-Zz) deeply embossed for clarity and durability.
Printed User Manual – A step-by-step guide to help you set up your backup.

In the Security Kit, you’ll also find:
Shell Capsule – A protective stainless steel casing for added durability and security.
3 Tamper-Evident Seals – To ensure your backup is untouched and secure.
3 Pieces of Cut Composite Wire – For securing the capsule and maintaining the integrity of your setup.
This comprehensive package ensures you have everything needed to create a reliable and durable backup for your most critical data.

Seed12 is ideal for securely storing a wide range of sensitive data. In addition to 12-word seed phrases, it can be used for passphrases, private keys, and numerical PINs. It’s perfect for storing login credentials, master passphrases for password managers, NOSTR keys, and other alphanumeric passwords up to 64 characters. This makes Seed12 a versatile solution for protecting critical data, providing robust durability and security against environmental damage and tampering.

Yes, a 12-word seed phrase is considered secure enough for most users. It provides 128 bits of entropy, which translates into a massive number of possible combinations, making it highly resistant to brute-force attacks with current technology. This level of security is already sufficient for protecting your assets in most scenarios, and makes recovery easier.

The choice between a 12-word and a 24-word seed phrase comes down to personal preference. A 24-word seed phrase offers more entropy (256 bits), but the practical security gain is marginal for most users.
The real risk lies more in how securely the seed phrase is stored, rather than its length. A well-protected 12-word seed is more than enough for users, and it’s easier to manage in terms of backing up, and restoring.

With Seed12, you can store any password up to 64 characters long. The Backup Core set includes both uppercase and lowercase letters. If you need numbers or special characters, you can purchase them separately. This approach helps us reduce waste, allowing you to buy only the modules you truly need.

The Cotter Pin is an upgraded version of the Fastener used in the Cryptosteel Capsule. It’s double-sided, preventing incorrect installation and accidental detachment. We’ve also made it easier and more intuitive to use. Some users used to install two fasteners side by side for extra security, and while there’s no need to do so with the new Cotter Pin, you can still use two for added peace of mind. 

The letter tiles, separators, and fasteners are compatible between the Seed12 and Cryptosteel Capsule. All of these components have been redesigned for Seed12 and may look slightly different, but they will definitely fit both devices. However, the tiles from the Cassette are shaped differently and are tailored for a different storage system, so they are not compatible with the Capsule or Seed12.

Yes, you can use a 12-word seed phrase with any hardware wallet that supports the BIP39 standard. These wallets, including Trezor, BitBox, Ledger, and Blockstream, are compatible with 12, 18, or 24-word phrases. You can  easily restore a 12-word seed phrase on any BIP39-compatible hardware wallet, such as Trezor, BitBox, Ledger, or Blockstream, even if the wallet was initially set up with a 24-word seed.

Yes, the seal can also be used to secure the Cryptosteel Cassette.

Still have questions? Get help from
a Cryptosteel expert.

Modules of the Seed12 System
Seed12 is a robust system designed for securely backing up sensitive data like recovery seed phrases, passphrases, private keys, and other types of alphanumeric passwords. Deeply engraved character tiles are stacked on the metal core, secured with patented cotter pins at both ends. The metal backup can be enclosed in a protective Capsule shell and protected with a tamper evident seal. The capsule is hollowed out in a solid piece of aero-grade stainless steel offering extreme protection against any type of destructive forces. The PSW-97® Security Seal by American Casting & Manufacturing Corp. with nearly 45kg (100 lbs) of breaking strenght is marked with a unique serial number, allowing to easily manage your backups.

Seed12 Backup Core
Basic unit to create “naked seed” metal backup. All parts are made of space-grade stainless steel.
Packaging dimensions: 65 x 39 x 15 mm / 2,5 x 1,5 x 0,6 in
Packaging weight: 81g
Included in the box: 1 x Seed12 core, 4 x cotter-pins, 12+ x separators and 310+ double-sided letter tiles (Aa-Zz latin alphabet), printed user manual

Seed12 Security Kit
The Security Kit is our solution for providing the highest level of protection for your 12-word seed phrase restore backup. 
Packaging dimensions: 95 x 66 x 18 mm / 3,7 x 2,6 x 0,7 in
Packaging weight: 162 g
Included in the box: 1 x System Backup Core unit, 1 x Capsule Container, 1 x Security Seal module (three seals with the precut wire)

Unit Upgrade Core Parts
Packaging dimensions: 65 x 39 x 15 mm / 2,5 x 1,5 x 0,6 in
Packaging weight:
Included in the box: 1 x Seed12 core, 4 x cotter-pins, 12+ x separators, printed user manual

Letter Tiles
Packaging dimensions: 65 x 39 x 15 mm / 2,5 x 1,5 x 0,6 in
Packaging weight:
Included in the box: 310+ double-sided, stainless steel letter tiles (Aa-Zz latin alphabet), printed user manual

Number Tiles
Packaging dimensions: 65 x 39 x 15 mm / 2,5 x 1,5 x 0,6 in
Packaging weight:
Included in the box: over 130 double-sided, stainless steel arabic digits tiles (0-9), printed user manual

Symbol Tiles
Packaging dimensions: 65 x 39 x 15 mm / 2,5 x 1,5 x 0,6 in
Packaging weight:
Included in the box: over 80 double-sided, stainless steel symbol tiles, printed user manual

Shell Capsule
Packaging dimensions: 65 x 39 x 15 mm / 2,5 x 1,5 x 0,6 in
Packaging weight:
Included in the box: 1 x stainless steel cylindric capsule with a cap, printed user manual

Security Seal
Packaging dimensions: 65 x 39 x 15 mm / 2,5 x 1,5 x 0,6 in
Packaging weight: 15 g
Included in the box: 3 x PSW-97 Security seals with, 3 x precut composite wire, printed user manual

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