Featured in CNBC’s story How to Stop Your Digital Fortune From Going Up In Smoke by Annie Nova.


It is a steel device that you can use to mark down your recovery phrase and then subsequently seal it up to keep it protected. It is water-resistant, fire-proof, shock-proof, and stainless. This makes it practically indestructible (…)

The capsule looks absolutely robust and resistant (…) The deep thread hermetically seals the capsule and thus keeps the information safe even under water. The capsule can withstand the impact of a 9 mm projectile.
Cryptosteel Capsule reviewed on Hardware-Wallets.net.

The Capsule’s cylindrical design makes it a pretty inconspicuous product.

Zaista je teško zamisliti kakva bi to kataklizma bila u stanju uništiti kapsulu do te mjere da podaci pohranjeni u njoj postanu neupotrebljivi.
Such a great piece of Engineering! @cryptosteel made a product that’s accomplishing its goal, but it’s also sexy.
Cryptosteel Capsule reviewed on the Explore Crypto YouTube channel by @SanakTony in video posted on Oct 26, 2019.

All letters were identifiable even after what I think is the maximum credible event in regards to heat testing.
Cryptosteel Dash special edition endorsed on the Dash Digital Cash YouTube channel by cryptocurrency maven Amanda in video posted on May 17, 2017.

[…]Mit Cryptosteel hält dein Recovery Seed den Elementen stand und kann mit einem Schloss außerdem vor neugierigen Blicken geschützt werden.[…]
I would recommend the Cryptosteel if you have a large cryptocurrency holding as it offers more security compared to writing down your mnemonic sentence on a piece of paper.
– Cryptosteel Review by CoinGecko, February 2017
This product is awesome! It doesn’t require any outside power. It can withstand the elements . You can zap it with a million volts and it will survive.
– Captain Jack, Cryptosteel customer
This is amazing. Moreover, I like the idea of an open source hardware project.
– anonymous Bitcoin miner and Cryptosteel customer
Best way to stash your passwords or private keys. Love the packaging, too.
– Simon Dingle, Cryptosteel customer
I’m a huge Cryptosteel fan. All bitcoin folk need at least one.
– Doctor Goss, MD, Cryptosteel customer
Happy birthday to me! Loving both the packaging and the product.
– Diana Biggs, Cryptosteel customer
We have been Cryptosteel users for the better part of 2017 and have nothing but the best things to say about it. We literally tell everyone in our network, be it our investors, partners, or clients, that if they are looking to securely store their seed passphrases or other critical data, they need to look no further than a Cryptosteel as it really is the best solution.
– Michael Sonnenschein, Director of Sales and Business Development at Grayscale
Cryptosteel is THE most secure way to back up a cryptographic private key or seed. Cryptosteels give you CCSS Level 3 compliance right out of the box, being impervious to fire, flood, static electricity and even EMPs. I truly believe there is no better alternative.
– Michael Perklin, cryptocurrency security expert and CISO at ShapeShift.io