Cryptosteel announces Seed12 at Bitcoin Amsterdam: The Latest Metal Backup Solution for Bitcoin Seed Phrases

bitcoin amsterdam 2024

Last week at the Bitcoin Amsterdam conference, we had the pleasure of launching the latest way to secure and store your bitcoin seed phrase and other sensitive data – Seed12.

  1. The Cryptosteel booth
  2. The workshop: Hands-On Experience with Seed12
  3. Empowering bitcoin education
  4. Open source education

Cryptosteel had both a booth and an interactive workshop to engage with hundreds of people who attended the conference. The booth was a great way to interact with anyone interested in metal backups, and the workshop focused on the importance of securing one’s Bitcoin seed phrases, where participants got to see firsthand how Seed12 can be a practical and affordable solution for long-term Bitcoin security.

The Cryptosteel booth

In partnership with Liana Wallet, Cryptosteel hosted a booth in the expo hall at Bitcoin Amsterdam, providing attendees with the opportunity to learn more about our range of metal backup solutions. Visitors were able to engage with our team, get hands-on demonstrations of how to use products like the Seed12, and gain a deeper understanding of the importance of securing their Bitcoin seed phrases. The booth was a hub of activity, with hundreds of conference attendees speaking with our team during the event.

Cryptosteel and Liana at Bitcoin Amsterdam Conference

The workshop: Hands-On Experience with Seed12

Cryptosteel was the only company to host a hands-on workshop at Bitcoin Amsterdam. The goal was to teach users about the importance of backing up seed phrases, and allow attendees to work directly with the Seed12 backup solution, learning how to assemble, and disassemble their seed words. These sessions gave over 50 participants the practical experience needed to feel confident in creating their own secure backups.

Workshops at Bitcoin Amsterdam Conference how to use Seed12

Empowering bitcoin education

Cryptosteel wants to contribute to the larger Bitcoin ecosystem by promoting financial literacy, always emphasizing the importance of self-custody and strong backups. This is why we’re happy to partner with My First Bitcoin a team dedicated to educating students about Bitcoin, especially in regions where access to financial education is limited. Seed12 gives students a practical education by creating their own metal backups. By supporting My First Bitcoin, we’re making Seed12 accessible to students and teachers, offering it at a significantly reduced price through the Geyser campaign
Purchasing a limited edition “NoGood” Seed12 device will help us support My First Bitcoin students.

NoGood Seed12 Campaign on Geyser

Open source education

We believe strongly in the importance of bitcoin self custody education, and will be open sourcing the material we prepared to present at Bitcoin Amsterdam. We hope this will enable more people to conduct similar educational sessions worldwide. Take a look at our presentation here: Bitcoin Self Custody – From Trusting to Self Sovereignty.

open source bitcoin education for all