Cryptosteel Partnership With Blockstream

Cryptosteel — inventors of the offline metal backup — have partnered with Blockstream

Cryptosteel — inventors of the offline metal backup — have partnered with Blockstream, the global leader in Bitcoin and blockchain technology.

Blockstream was founded in 2014 by Bitcoin contributors and renowned applied cryptographer Dr. Adam Back. With a long term outlook on delivering robust and scalable solutions, they invest heavily in research and development to strengthen the Bitcoin ecosystem and protocol.

“Cryptosteel have always been innovators and produce excellent products to help people secure private keys. They’re constantly advancing the art of cold storage and the Cryptosteel Capsule is a very welcome new addition. We’re very excited to offer the Blockstream branded Capsule in our store!”

Samson Mow — Blockstream CSO

Blockstream’s mission is to create the financial infrastructure of the future. Utilizing cutting-edge cryptography and security engineering, they are building the products and networks that make financial markets more efficient by reducing reliance on trust.

As the saying goes — Don’t trust. Verify. Blockstream maintains that empowering individuals and businesses to take control of their own finances and reducing the need for trusted third parties is the way forward.

It is this shared philosophy that led to this partnership.

Cryptosteel’s goal is to reduce the risks corresponded with the centralization of information, resources, and power. We champion self custodial solutions of digital keys to enable the decentralization of digital assets, virtual identities, and personal data.

The Capsule is the premier backup tool for autonomous offline storage of valuable data without any third-party involvement. It is a solid metal device designed to survive extreme conditions. It combines the age-old idea of engraving in a DIY assembly format with material that is stainless, shockproof, acid-resistant, and fireproof up to 1400C/2500F.

The Metal Capsule is compatible with most secret sharing and key generation algorithms and keeps the enclosed data secure. Since there is no third-party involvement, your most sensitive information is hacker-proof and safe from natural disasters.

Cryptosteel is proud to be adding a low technology solution to the highest technology-focused visionaries in the cryptosphere. Teamed together we will establish the standards for private key storage solutions and security.

The Metal Capsule will be sold through Blockstream’s website

What should you expect from Cryptosteel devices?

About Us

Cryptosteel believes the greatest risk to safety and prosperity today lies with the centralization of information, resources, and power. By allowing people to physically safeguard their own digital keys, we champion the decentralization of digital assets, virtual identities, and personal data.

For your own line of Capsules, please contact us at