Rafael Akahira limited works of art

On the first anniversary of the Cryptosteel Capsule, we are cooperating with the artist Rafael Akahira to produce limited, numbered works of art that symbolize the values of the Capsule. 

Each piece of art is numbered to 12, and every single one is unique. Each of the numbered works of art are made in an entirely distinct and unique abstract style. It is a landscape, full of vibrant and strange creatures and imagery.

Rafael Akahira has explained his own motivation and inspiration for these pieces. Individuality was the core belief, that each one of us, each individual has the freedom to do as they wish. One of the central motifs is the use of hands – as the artist said

“We are doing everything by hand, we are using our hands to manipulate objects, We are doing it our way, individually, because everyone does it differently.”

Rafael described his relationship between the Capsule and himself:

“Diversity is beautiful and the Capsule protects what I want it to protect. The Capsule represents a gateway to my creativity and my inner, private world, full of mystical and exotic creatures, krakens and flute-playing snails, strongmen next to pyramids, 3-headed presidents hidden away by ghostly volcano-balloons, all connected with each other, all blending into each other, adding meaning to the world. The Capsule protects my freedom – free creation, creative inquiry, without arbitrary limitations. ”

Rafael Akahira uses woodblock printing to create his paintings and prints, this is his own special technique that he invented and developed over his artistic career. Using a single plate, it reduces the consistency of the coloring each print, creating something totally unique. This diversity is part of the appeal – there is not, and cannot be any copy of it. It is handmade and individual.

It’s hard to believe how quickly the year has gone by. We are incredibly proud of the Capsule and how many users appreciate not only the security of the design, but the freedom it provides as well. All the distinct ways individuals can utilize the Capsule have been inspiring.

With the Capsule, you are not coerced into any specific method – the extent of what techniques, what style you use are numerous and depend solely on one factor – yourself! The security of the Capsule allows you to be yourself and to utilize your independence. Thank you and have a good life!

Get yourself a piece of Cryptosteel history with this special design!

Cryptosteel believes the greatest risk to safety and prosperity today lies with the centralization of information, resources, and power. By allowing people to physically safeguard their own digital keys, we champion the decentralization of digital assets, virtual identities, and personal data.

We create extremely dependable, no-third-party security solutions that combine uncompromising utility with ease of use.